Costa Rica Summer 2025

Who is invited? Are you an educator? You’re invited! Formal and informal educators, elementary, middle, and high school, pre-service, and retired teachers are all welcome! The trip will lean towards Earth science and biology, but teachers of any subject can…

NGSS Earth Science Curriculum: Glacier NP

Purchase Glacier NP Storyline What is a Storyline? An NGSS Earth science storyline is an intentionally sequenced series of lessons that begins with a phenomenon, encourages student investigations to discover findings, and assesses student learning in three dimensions. Yes, three…

Using Student-Developed Driving Questions in NGSS

What are Student-Developed Driving Questions? You know those objectives and “I can…” statements that administrators love to see posted in the front of your classroom? Well, I’m here to tell you they’re not necessary in a classroom aligned with the…

Teacher Mindset Shift a Must for NGSS

Why do good teachers struggle when using NGSS storylines? They haven’t committed to the teacher mindset shift necessary to transition to NGSS.  Teachers can use a checklist to incorporate components of a quality NGSS storyline. Students experience phenomenon first and…